中譯英 (用e-mail 感謝別人的恭賀)
我升職了,很多人send e-mail 恭喜我,我想多謝人地,我應詃點樣用英文回覆他們(英文e-mail)
Date : (dd/mm/yy) To : All colleagues and My friends/Mr xxx/Miss From : ( e.g. John Wu, Petter Li, Ken Chan) Subject : Email of thanks Thank you for your email of (dd/mm/yy) congratulating me on my promotion. Your words are an encouragement to me. What's more, that I'm lucky to be promoted to (e.g. Supervisor, Manager) totally lies in all colleagues' assistance and support . I'm confident of embracing new challenges in future . In addition, I believe that everyone has good chance of promotion because our company definely focuses all staff's performances . May I take this opportunity of wishing you every success. Best regards, (e.g. John Wu, Peter Li, Ken Chan) 2010-04-27 23:29:05 補充: correction : focuses ------> focuses on
Thank you very much for your e-mail. I am very happy and I promiss I must be do these job well done for every day. I must be cannot forgoted you. I like you very much .|||||Dear all, It is with great pleasure that I am going to accept the new position in the next week, and I would like to say BIG thank you to all of you for all the warmest blessings! I am proud of having so many great friends like you. Let’s stay in touch! Cheers XXX|||||您好,我推薦您一個非常不錯的英語學習網站,里面有很多非常不錯的學習資源,您能從中得到不少幫助: http://www.hkenglishstudy.info 祝您好運!|||||I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you who had congratulated about my promotion. I will be promoted to the position of XXX effective May 4th, 2010. I certainly will devote my full efforts to the new job position, and please provide me with continued support.