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Boeing 787 DREAMLINER ANA We Fly First ALL NIPPON AIRLINES Display PieceGlass decorative piece. About 8 ¼" tall. Thick colored glass with a medallion mounted on. Honoring first flight of the 787 Dreamliner for ANA. Historic Airline Airplane 787 Dream Liner Fist Delivery Emblem 2011 brand new. you... 顯示更多 Boeing 787 DREAMLINER ANA We Fly First ALL NIPPON AIRLINES Display Piece Glass decorative piece. About 8 ?” tall. Thick colored glass with a medallion mounted on. Honoring first flight of the 787 Dreamliner for ANA. Historic Airline Airplane 787 Dream Liner Fist Delivery Emblem 2011 brand new. you can remove the glass & substitute picture of airplane with any picture
這好像不是整篇文章, 比較像是好幾段句子, 連標題都一起放進來了, 我來試試看. Boeing 787 DREAMLINER ANA 全日空的波音787夢想客機 ANA (ALL NIPPON AIRLINES) 全日空 (一家日本航空公司) Glass decorative piece. About 8 ?” tall 玻璃的裝飾物件. 大約有 8又四分之一英吋高 Thick colored glass with a medallion mounted on. 上面有一面大獎章的彩色厚玻璃. Honoring first flight of the 787 Dreamliner for ANA. 紀念波音787夢幻客機在全日空的首航. Historic Airline Airplane 有重大歷史意義的航空公司飛機 787 Dream Liner Fist Delivery Emblem 2011 brand new 象徵全新波音787夢幻客機在2011年首航 you can remove the glass & substitute picture of airplane with any picture 你可以移開玻璃, 用任何圖片取代飛機圖片. 參考資料: 全日空網站波音747介紹 http://www.ana.co.jp/wws/japan/e/local/common/share/boeing787info/