宜家f.4... 顯示更多 宜家f.4 暑假之後就升f.5 我自知以自己既成績應該升唔到香港既大學 加上一直都要去外國讀書見識下 同過屋企人傾去做交換生 捻住讀完f.5去美國做交流生 不過屋企又唔係好有$$$ 我驚做完交換生之後冇得繼續響美國讀上去 可能要返尼要響hk繼續讀 同埋我唔知宜家334冇讀埋f.6算唔算畢業 好煩惱~_~ (1)另外,如果係邊個state比較好? (2)有冇咩交換生既公司介紹? (3)如果讀完f.5過去,讀grade11定咩? btw,我讀中,英,數,通識四個主科之外 仲有讀數學單元2(姐係微積分+代數),物理,化學,地理 不過因為自己phy太差,岩岩就drop左呢科.... 我英文唔差...最好就係listening果方面 而最差就係speaking... 所以希望去交流果年train好d speaking skills 希望大家指點下我條路之應該點行..... thanks!!! 更新: 我想讀藥劑//心理學//時裝設計..... 唔知我應該點揀?:( 更新 2: 如果想讀以上既科 首選藥劑!!! 美國有咩大學讀以上既科好? 更新 3: 如果想申請scholarship 有咩條件?
1. In exchange, you don't have a choice really. In a simple way, they can dump you anywhere as they want.2. EF or similar organizations offer exchange program.3. The high school who takes you will determine that based on your ability.For real, if you are certain that your destiny is studying overseas. I will simply encourage you to skip exchange. Exchange is good for you if you want to know the places (without firm commitments for studying aboard). Otherwise, it is a waste of money.Also, 2 of the majors you mentioned, pharmacy and psychology, requires advanced education. For pharmacy, it is a postgraduate program and psychology will need Master or above to practice. So they are not a choice for you at the moment.Last but not the least, scholarships are available but rarely offered to international students. Unless you can secure your own funding, never rely on scholarships.
有機會做交流生梗系好啦,去外國見識下無壞,但係現實啲,做交流生只系要幾萬元內就攪点,但留學一年要最小十幾二十萬,屋企人負擔得來嗎,不如現在就努力不懈,世界上甚麼都可能發生,幾年后你可能以優異生畢業兼攞埋獎學金讀大學,對自已有信心,nothing is impossible!!!