一般既反器材狙擊步槍都係用.50大口徑子彈 點解.33子彈穿唔到複合裝甲? 美軍狙擊手唔鍾意既m110點解中至遠距離會出現彈道偏差? 係子彈問題定係本身枝槍既問題? 最新既單兵反坦克武器可唔可以直接穿透複合裝甲? 更新: 官方係冇公布過坦克既裝甲厚度~~~~ 但應該有30cm~~~~ .33子彈可以穿幾多mm既鋼版 usmc好鍾意係悍馬個機槍手位加鋼位~~ 咁svd可唔可以一野射鋼版直接命中射手??? 更新 2: 單兵反坦克武器係邊種???? 更新 3: 冇人真正答到我= =" 更新 4: m110出現彈道偏差係唔係關該槍既射擊系統事? 舊式既m24係用手拉旋轉式遠距離射擊又冇事 m110用氣吹式就有事 係唔係m110既子彈最大初速唔夠m24多? 更新 5: 乜問得好難咩? 點解冇其他高手回答既= ="
一般既反器材狙擊步槍都係用.50大口徑子彈點解.33子彈穿唔到複合裝甲? You misunderstand 2 things, 1.) The .50 penetration power 2.) Composite armor composition Actually, .50 cannot go though most Tank Armor, .50 can penetrate up to 15mm steel plate, that's it, the round will simply bounce off the armor plate. A tradition .50 AP round is an explosive tip casing a 30.03 round inside, meaning when the round impact a target, the explosive tip explode and the heat produced in the explosion will melt the armor surface and allow the 30.03 core projectile go thought. The tip did actually like a HEAT round go though tank armor. However, the explosive tip is not efficient against armor plate rolled over 10 mm or larger. Maximum penetration is set by the factory is 15 mm, plain armor (Steel plate) Therefore the main use for .50 AP is to penetrate non steel target (like concret) and bullet proof vest, but not to go though vehicle armor. 2.) Composite Armor is a type of armor that compose of Steel, Ceremic, Plastic and air. the present of ceremic greatly increase the melting point of the armor, thus, not suitable for anti-material weapon to go thoug. .50Ap CANNOT go though composite armor even in a very thin layer, cos of the heat proof structure of the armor, not the size of the projectile. .33 AP Anti-material round (if exist) will be the same mechanism as .50AP, since the caliber were even smaller, so the damage are of course less 美軍狙擊手唔鍾意既m110點解中至遠距離會出現彈道偏差? M110 is a Semi-Automatic 7.62 version of SR25. People don't like M110 becasue of the moving part issue (since M110 is a Self Reloading Semi-Automatic weapon) when fire in between round, the accuracy decrease as the result of a greater recoil. 係子彈問題定係本身枝槍既問題? Is the gun problem ,not bullet. 2009-06-15 12:49:06 補充: 最新既單兵反坦克武器可唔可以直接穿透複合裝甲? Technically, it can, but in my time in Iraq, i fired 5 round of AT-4, unfortunately, all bounced off the target. 2009-06-15 12:49:33 補充: The latest HP (High Penetration Round) from AT-4 can , in paper, go though 500 - 600 mm RHA (Rolled Homogeneous Armor) The HP round is a 84mm round which have the same mechanism of tank ap (APFSDS) round, only in smaller caliber 2009-06-15 12:51:00 補充: 官方係冇公布過坦克既裝甲厚度~~~~ 但應該有30cm~~~~ Being a Former M1 Abrams Driver, i can tell you M1 armor is ALOT more than 30mm, even people making do with their humvee would use at lease 50mm armor plate. 30mm plate is somewhat similar to a EOD armor suit thickness 2009-06-15 12:53:00 補充: .33子彈可以穿幾多mm既鋼版 usmc好鍾意係悍馬個機槍手位加鋼位~~ Depend on the projectile it use, if you use FMJ, the round will bounce off any armor Don't know if there are AP round. USMC always "Making Do" with their equipment as the Navy like to withhold funding for them to purchase new equipment. 2009-06-15 12:54:54 補充: 咁svd可唔可以一野射鋼版直接命中射手??? No, SVD cannot penetrate armor plate....If they do enetrate tho armor, they should have expended their whole kinnetic energy and fell off. 2009-06-15 12:55:52 補充: Cpl. 75 Armored Regiment, 3d Infantry Division US Army
點解.33子彈穿唔到複合裝甲? 要看一看裝甲的厚度! 美軍狙擊手唔鍾意既m110點解中至遠距離會出現彈道偏差? 據我所知美軍狙擊手沒喜歡m110,可以參考一下youtue: Future Weapons Season 3 Premier M-110 Sniper Rifle 係子彈問題定係本身枝槍既問題? 子彈和槍都很重要! 最新既單兵反坦克武器可唔可以直接穿透複合裝甲? 可以!|||||呢個可以幫到你 http://hkyahoo.web4.dnssky.com/yahoo.com.hk/hk/auction/1118037410