F4 econ change in DD and SS
1. Suppose a sportswear company hires David Beckham as the spokesman for the brand. The _____ for / of the sports wear brand may increase.(1) demand(2) supply(3) quantity suppliedA. (1) only B. (3) only C. (1) and (2) only D. (1) and (3) only想知答案點解係D2. 唔係好明點解 If more leather is... 顯示更多 1. Suppose a sportswear company hires David Beckham as the spokesman for the brand. The _____ for / of the sports wear brand may increase. (1) demand (2) supply (3) quantity supplied A. (1) only B. (3) only C. (1) and (2) only D. (1) and (3) only 想知答案點解係D 2. 唔係好明點解 If more leather is produced to meet the increasing demand, then the supply of beaf will increase. They are joint supply. thx very much 更新: * beaf 牛肉 re Tony: do u know the ans of 1? 更新 2: sor 打錯字 beef 牛肉
什麼是beaf...? 是否打錯字? 2013-01-06 16:00:43 補充: --牛肉不是beef嗎? 1. Suppose a sportswear company hires David Beckham as the spokesman for the brand. The _____ for / of the sports wear brand may increase. (1) demand -- 多了宣傳(認知度高了),需求當然上升 (2) supply -- 上升的是供應量,沒有資訊顯示供應上升了(例如成本下降,供應才會上升) (3) quantity supplied --需求上升令交易量上升,所以供應量也上升了 2. If more leather is produced to meet the increasing demand, then the supply of beaf will increase. They are joint supply. -- 有些皮革是用牛皮做的,(當皮革需求多了,牛皮需求多了,牛的需求自然也多了->交易量上升-殺多了牛),牛肉供應自然也上升。